Wednesday, January 04, 2006


For lunch today, I walked over to a burrito shop in the tunnel beneath an adjacent building. There are a number of stores and shops and a fair amount of foot traffic in this well-lighted, spacious tunnel. Andrew the shoe shine guy occupies a medium-sized retail space formerly used by a barber shop. Andrew is an elderly, hard of hearing, African-American man who is a spiffy dresser. The wall of his shop facing the tunnel is made entirely of glass, and as I walked to the burrito shop, I noticed Andrew snoozing in a chair near this glass wall. On my way back, it was a different story.

As I walked past Andrew's shop, I glanced over to see if he was still snoozing. Nope. He was standing up with his pants and underwear around his ankles and his pecker hanging out big as day. He appeared to be adjusting his shirtails, but I didn't look long enough to see exactly what he was up to. Nobody was around me, but since Andrew didn't seem to be in any hurry to get his pants back up, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one to have witnessed this nekkidness.

Funny thing is, when I got back to my office I realized we have a section lunch meeting today with food provided by the firm. Maybe there is a god whose goal is to supply me with blog fodder!


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