Monday, December 19, 2005

From my mouth to god's ear?

Just down the street from my house is a very large open space/park bordered on one side by a small creek and wooded area where there used to be a railroad track and telephone lines. In the summer, the brush is too dense for exploring, but the last two weekends my kids and I have clambered across the creek and crawled into the underbrush to hunt for "treasures." Yesterday, in addition to about 50 golf balls, we found the items pictured above. A tortoise shell, a hard hat, an old rubber telephone wire insulator, an old Pepsi bottle (probably from the late 1960's), and a model rocket. The model rocket is where it gets a little weird.

My son (21 months old) and I were poking around in the underbrush and hadn't found any treasures other than a few golfballs. I thought for a moment about what we might find and said to my son, "we need to find a model rocket that some kid shot off in the park and lost out here in the brush." Then I thought to myself, "boy, wouldn't it be weird if we actually found one after I said that." Not 30 seconds later, I walked around a tangle of impentrable vines and spied . . . the model rocket shown in the picture above. I'm still not sure what to make of that turn of events.


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