Friday, December 16, 2005

Scottish pissing wall

My brother and I took a trip to Scotland this summer and were quite intrigued by what we dubbed "the Scottish pissing wall." Many of the public restrooms we visited had this set up, which is basically a wall sheathed in stainless steel and equipped with a water drip system at the top and, of course, a drain at the bottom. A superior and efficient design that requires virtually no aiming skills. Moreover, public restrooms in Scotland are extremely clean and always fully equipped with good toilet paper. The only drawback was that exiting many of the restrooms entailed pulling, as opposed to pushing, open two or even three doors. Ain't no way you're getting out of there without grasping several germ infested door handles, and the one finger method just doesn't work. Still, these bathrooms were far superior to any Mexican bathroom. I won't even try to describe the horrors of a typical public restroom in Mexico. Suffice it to say those folks apparently don't see the need to wipe their arses.


At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Horrors" is too charitable of a description for your typical Mexican restroom. I'm reminded of my experience in deep southern Mexico when, after a night of dark liquor and tequila, the squirts came on like a tsunami. I pinch-walked (you know what I'm talking about) to the nearest "restroom". Once inside and after the "move" began I saw no toilet paper next to the cinder block commode or on the dirt floor. I regrouped and went outside, where an old lady was selling toilet paper for pesos. I handed her every coin in my pocket and she gave me -- no shit -- a single square of t.p. that was smaller and thinner than a taco bell napkin!

At 10:39 AM, Blogger earldog said...

I was with s.a. man on that occasion, I don't think he's been the same since. You DO NOT mess with him when he's on a shit mission.


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