Thursday, December 15, 2005

My childhood cars

These are the two family cars I remember best from my childhood: a 1974 Toyota Corona and a 1968 Mercedes -- I believe it was a model 220. Both cars were white. My dad sold the Mercedes in 1978 for about the same price he paid for it. He kept the car in immaculate condition and never did find out that the ding just below the trunk lid was the unfortunate consequence of my brother's idea that it would be fun to test the car's metallurgical integrity with a BB gun. On another occasion, my mother forgot to put the car in park and it rolled down the street striking a mailbox.

My brother drove the Corona until probably the late 1980's. It was a stickshift with no power steering, which made it pretty hard for me to drive when I sneaked it out a few times before I got my driver's license. This was our first car with an 8 Track Stereo system.


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