Thursday, December 22, 2005

Jose Padilla Rant

I was getting pretty annoyed with the reporters on NPR pronouncing Jose Padilla's surname as "Pu-DILL-uh." Ordinarily, "Padilla" is pronounced "Pu-dee-ya," kind of like "tortilla." But according to Slate ( Jose Padilla (aka Abdullah Al Muhajir) and his family prefer the "Pu-DILL-uh" pronunciation. If that's the case, then this idiot deserves to be held indefinitely as an enemy combatant. He sure as hell won't get a fair trial if there are any Hispanic jurors chosen for his case; they'll be far too annoyed at his stupid insistence on mispronouncing his name. And by the way, if he's gonna mispronounce his last name, why not his first name too? It should be "Joe-sss." Hasta la vista, baby.


At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very weird; I, too, bristled when I heard the mangling of his name. At the time, I attributed the mangling to the fact that NPR rarely explores, much less cares about, anything outside of northern California, New York city, or the Beltway in D.C. Incidentally, his lawyers probably want to avoid any linkage in the jury pool between their client and another recently infamous drug cartel leader named "Padilla." Or, "Joe-sss" is puro moron.


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